MakeMyMask Trichoscope
Become a scalp expert.
Analyze your clients' scalp with a magnification range of 50X and 200X thanks to our trichoscope equipped with intelligent software, allowing to record client data, automatically analyze the scalp and offer the complete protocols of the DermoPilaire MakeMyMask laboratory developed by a doctor of pharmacy and certified trichologist.
- Detect hair problems
- Offer tailor-made protocols
- Perform treatment follow-ups
Who is it for?
- The Pharmacists
- The Hairdressers
- Hair Clinics
Train in trichology and offer a unique and personalized experience to your clients here --> Training: Introduction to trichology – MakeMyMask
Our trichoscope comes with a MakeMyMask application to analyze the scalp and offer our MakeMyMask protocols; Please note that you need an iPhone to allow the Trischoscope to work.