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In recent days, many celebrities or influencers have made it known on the networks that they had suffered significant hair loss following their contamination by Covid. 




It is in fact a real information! According to a Chinese study published in the medical journal “The Lancet” conducted in Wuhan, 22% “Covid” patients declared having suffered a massive hair loss within 6 months following discharge from hospital.


This is also what Doctor Michel Brouard, specialist in dermatology and venereology at the Lausanne Ouest Medical Center in Switzerland, also observed.



A massive and diffuse loss


roots and scalp


This loss can reach 50% of the hair mass! The capillary impact appears to be independent of the severity of the symptoms.


The loss can start during the infection or several months after.



 What are the causes? 


In reality, it is not about the disease itself, but about stress created by it.


Indeed, a significant shock can cause a disruption of the hair cycle causing abundant and diffuse hair loss also called: acute telogen effluvium, this is what we call a reactive hair loss.


It is due to a inflammatory change triggering premature loss of a significant number of hair follicles.


Don't worry, she is reversible and does not affect the capillary capital. All you need to do is quickly reactivate regrowth by initiating a new hair cycle. 



 How to promote regrowth? 


  1. Activate microcirculation at the level of the scalp to allow the follicle the blood supply.
  2. Provide nutrients and energy which hair needs to grow.








Our Growth Cure brings together the 3 ingredients your scalp needs to grow new hair:


Special hair growth ingredients:

brahmin powder

  • Brahmi powder: Ayurvedic powder known to combat hair loss and stimulate growth 

  • Mustard Vegetable Oil: thanks to its richness in erucic acid, this oil activates microcirculation in the scalp


  • Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil: with anti-oxidant and toning action which will strengthen and beautify the hair

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